Mission for Vision
We were able to help over 200 elderly people get their vision back in their eyes in Vanni area during 2016
We were able to help over 200 elderly people get their vision back in their eyes in Vanni area during 2016
We were able to help over 200 people receive clean water for their day to day living in Vanni.
We have been shipping clothes from London over 3 years now. Every 3 months over 1500 items are sent to North & East of Sri Lanka for the people in need. Over 3,800 people benefited..
Our aim was to serve at least 2,500 meals to hungry stomachs during 2016.... Over 3,500 hungry stomach were feed See details
Library Books for Under Priviladged schools
கல்முனை சிவநெறி அறப்பணி மன்றம் சிறுவர்களுக்கு சைவ சமயக் கல்வியை கோவில் வளாகத்தில் உள்ள ஒரு ஆலமரத்தின் கீழ் நடத்திவந்தது. அண்மையில் இடம்பெற்ற அடை மழை காரணமாக அந்த ஆலமரம் விழுந்ததன் காரணமாக மாணவர்கள் நிழல் தேடி கோவிலுக்குள் பாடங்களை கற்று...